jueves, 30 de junio de 2011

Input Interaction and Second Language Acquisition

1.      How exactly does acquisition take place? 

Acquisition takes place through exposure. Krashen also proposes that comprehensible input helps acquisition to take place.

2.      Which conversational tactics are used in a Native Speaker - Non Native Speaker talks?

The Native Speaker – Non Native Speaker was much more likely to make use conversational tactics such as repetitions, confirmation checks, comprehension checks or clarification request.

3.      Why is output important in second language acquisition?
Swain proposes three further functions for learner output:
           1.- The “noticity/triggering’ function, or what might be referred to as the
                 Consciousness-raising role.
           2.- The Hypothesis- testing function.
           3.- The Mentalinguistic function, or what might be referred to as it’s
                 “ reflective role”

4.      Why is the reflective role of output important?

It is important because the speaker realizes about the mistakes and corrects himself.

5.      Match the teacher's behaviour with the proper correction technique:
                 1. You are working a class of ten-years-old who are doing a fluency activity. One of
                     the learners is talking to the class about her pet. She says: "My rabbit eat lettuce". 
                     You let her continue talking.
                                  A:Ignore the mistake.

                 2. You are doing a controlled practise activity. One of the learners says: "I have been
                     working last week". You show her a diagram.
                                  C:Draw a time line on the board.

                3. You are focusing on spoken language and the use of contractions. A learner says:                     "I'm going swimming tomorrow". You want to show him where the mistake is. You
                    use your hand. 
                                  B:Use finger correction.

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