viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

Interlanguage and Latent Structures.

  1. Explain the five central processes with your own words.
  • Language transfer, this process occur in our IL performance. It is refers to speakers or writers applying knowledge from their native language to a second language, can occur in any situation when someone does not have a native-level command of a language.
  • Transfer of training, when language teaching creates interlanguage rules that are not of the L2 and which result in the way the learners were taught.
  • Strategies of second language learning, e.g. simplification
  • Strategies of second language communication, when learner omits grammatically redundant items in an utterance, producing ill-formed sentences.
  • Overgeneralization of TL linguistic material, where the learner tries to use TL rules and semantic features in the way there would not be used by a native speaker. 
          2.   Which of these processes can be apply to you in terms of your L2 acquisition?.
    I think that the processes that can be applied to me are Language transfer and Transfer of training.

         3.  Which aspects have you fossilized?.
    Is kind of difficult to say what kind of mistakes or errors I´ve fossilized, but some aspects that I think I´ve fossilized are grammatical and phonological mistakes for example at the time of speaking, sometimes I say CHILDRENS instead of CHILDREN and the pronunciation of the words, because I mix the northamerican accent with the british.
    True of false (justify the false)

         a) ___F__ Unsuccessful second language learning refers to the generalization problem; the generalization problem refers to the use of different units of language, and these units are used for all languages the Native Language, Iinterlanguage, Target Language.
         b) ___F__ Storage refers to the process of recalling information that is stored in memory; retrieval In psychology, retrieval refers to the process of recalling information that is stored in memory, and storage refers to the process of storing information in the brain, those are mental processes.
         c) ____T_ Some conditions that affect in the process of learning a new language are anxiety,  shifting attention and second language performance.
         d) ___T__ Fossilization can not be reversible.

    miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

    How language is shaped.

    Indicate IF TRUTH OR FALSE, provide the correct info.
    Chomsky claimed that:
    1. We have a predisposition to speak.___T__
    2. We have not been genetically programmed with mental structures.____F___; we have been genetically programmed with mental structures.
    3. Nouns, adjective and adverb are not used in our universal grammar.___F___ ; nouns, adjectives, adverbs are used in all language but their differences are situated in the grammar structures.
    4. We are able to learn an Alien´s language_F__;  the Alien's language could have different codes.
    5. Skinner believes that a language organ can develop regarding the environment ___T_____

     Match the following pictures to the corresponding theory, and therefore author. 
    ¡ PIAGET__C__
    ¡ CHOMSKY__A__
    ¡ SKINNER__B__

    The Innateness Hypothesis.

    I)       Complete the following comparative table.

    Mains Researchers




    Point of view.
    “species-specific” behavior

    Physically capable of sending and receiving sound signals in a language.

    It is a biological schedule
    Maturation of the brain as any other organ

    Language acquisition
    ·    Ability to distinguish speech sounds
    ·    Ability to organize linguistic data
    ·    Knowledge that only a certain kind of
    ·    linguistic system is possible.
    ·    Ability to engage in constant evaluation.

    II)       Vocabulary.

    Complete with the correct meaning the following words.
    Isolation: To be in a place or situation separate form others.
    Innateness: Belonging to the essential nature of something.
    Sleep spindle: Represent periods where the brain is inhibiting processing to keep the sleeper in a tranquil state.

    III)       Complete the sentences.

    1.-  Genie explored her new environment.

    2.-  Genie could not speak because she had all ready pasted her
    Critical Period.

    3.-   With Genie case what Chomsky holds is refuse.